Senior Care News


6 Tips for Managing Chronic Health Conditions at Home After a Hospital Stay

Living with a chronic health condition is tough enough, but hospital stays make everything more difficult. Hospital to home transition care can make it easier for patients to get the support they need at home.
Hospital to home transition care helps seniors in their recovery from a hospital stay.
Hospital to home transition care helps seniors in their recovery from a hospital stay.

Chronic health conditions make life more difficult on a daily basis for aging adults. But when a hospital stay is involved, the situation can feel difficult to manage alone or even with the help of family caregivers. Seniors may want to consider tools like hospital to home transition care to make life easier, feel safer after returning home, and ensure they’re getting the support they need.


Manage Medications Properly

Chronic health conditions often require multiple medications. After a hospital stay, medications may change or be temporarily added to the daily medication list. Hospital to home transition care helps seniors have the assistance they need to manage their medications properly, helping them avoid issues with side effects or difficulty with medication compliance.


Use Telehealth Services

Once seniors arrive home, it’s often difficult to get back out to do even simple things, like head to the doctor’s office for a follow-up appointment. Some solutions, like telehealth visits, can remove the need for seniors to leave home during recovery unless they can. These services help healthcare providers stay on top of how seniors are doing and help aging adults feel more in control of their recovery.


Take Advantage of In-home Rehab

In-home rehabilitation is another tool seniors might want to take advantage of while they recover. Skilled therapists, such as occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists, and more, can all come to seniors’ homes. These rehabilitation treatments can occur in the safety and comfort of home, helping seniors regain confidence and strength while not having to worry about transportation and other challenges.


Learn More About Health Conditions

In so many cases, seniors with one chronic health issue learn that they have one or even more chronic health issues to contend with. When that happens, learning more about these other conditions and figuring out the best course of action can feel overwhelming. Hospital to home transition care providers can help families learn more about their unique health issues and what they can do to work toward better overall health.


Emotional and Psychological Support

Poor health, hospital stays, and progressive health issues take a toll on seniors and their family members. Dealing with the stress, anxiety, and other emotions that arise is not easy to do. Hospital to home transition care can help families to find the support that they need to navigate these emotional challenges.


Care Coordination

As seniors try to return to their regular daily lives after a hospital stay, it is often complicated to deal with new types of care, health equipment, and even specialists. Hospital to home transition care offers tools that make it easier to coordinate all of these different care options effectively.


Recovering at home is always best, but coming home from the hospital isn’t always as easy as just going home. Hospital to home transition care helps families and seniors to spot all the little difficulties along the way and find the right solutions to smooth over the rough patches.



If you or an aging loved one are considering Hospital to Home Transition Care in Lexington, SC, please contact the caring staff at Avodah Home Care. Call (877) 4-AVODAH

Avodah Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Abbeville, Aiken, Anderson, Barnwell, Calhoun County, Chesterfield County, Darlington, Dillon, Edgefield, Batesburg-Leesville, Florence, Greenville, Greenwood, Columbia, Lexington, Camden, Blythewood, Winnsboro, Orangeburg, Sumter, Gaston, Hopkins, Bishopville and surrounding areas.

Katrecia Belgrave
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