Welcome Aboard: Introducing Our New Office Staff!

Welcome Aboard: Introducing Our New Office Staff!

We are thrilled to announce the addition of three outstanding professionals to our Avodah Home Care family. Each brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to their respective roles, and we couldn’t be more excited to have them on board. This expansion of our team couldn’t have come at a better time. We’re […]

What To Do If a Senior Has Been Diagnosed with Cancer?

24-Hour Home Care: Senior Cancer in Columbia, SC

Caring for your mom or dad in the final stages of life can be hard and stressful. Adding in a cancer diagnosis, you might be feeling down and pretty lost on what your loved one needs. Hiring 24-hour home care can truly help with the feelings of stress and uncertainty and can allow you to […]

Avodah Home Care – Dual Discharge Program

Avodah Home Care - Dual Discharge Program

Avodah Home Care – Dual Discharge Program offers a Medicare defined discharge plan as the process of determining the type of care a patient requires when leaving a medical facility. The transition from the hospital to the patient’s home should be as safe and as smooth as possible. The American Medical Association and the Joint […]

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