Senior Care News


Six Simple Ways to Celebrate the Holidays When Your Loved One Has Alzheimer’s Disease 

Alzheimer’s home care can help loved ones navigate holiday stress, allowing caregivers to enjoy festivities while ensuring specialized care and support.
Alzheimer's home care helps seniors and their families enjoy the holidays better.
Alzheimer's home care helps seniors and their families enjoy the holidays better.

The holidays are a wonderful time of year for many because of all the new festivities, chances to meet with family members and friends that haven’t been seen in ages, and activities to attend. Unfortunately, for many people with Alzheimer’s disease, the things that make the season merry and cause them distress and anxiety. Learning how to help your loved one navigate the holidays is essential for your loved one, and you and Alzheimer’s home care can help.


Do Your Own Mental Preparation

One of the hardest things about the holidays is having memories of how they used to be and wanting them to look exactly like they did 10 or 20 years ago. As a caregiver, finding the support, like Alzheimer’s home care, you need to prepare for a Christmas that may not look the same as it once did is vital for your mental health.

Learning to find joy in the small moments or humor in the things that go wrong can help you navigate the holidays with a positive attitude. When you feel better about the situation, your loved one will feel better as well, helping her find joy in the holidays as well.


Keeping Christmas Simple with Six Easy Steps

  1. Start by Decorating for the Season Slowly: Even if your loved one loved lots of lights and Christmas garlands in years past, waking up one morning to see the home completely decked out might be upsetting. Instead, put up decorations slowly like putting out the Christmas Nativity Scene one day or putting some holiday cutouts on the windows.
  2. Invite Your Loved One to Join You: If your loved one is up for it, let her help place the figures in the tiny stable or put the menorah in the window. Ask her questions about her favorite holiday memories as she helps.
  3. Space Out Loved One’s Visits: If people are coming to you to visit your loved one, ask them to space them out so she doesn’t get overwhelmed. Remind them of her current capabilities and express that she might only be up for short visits.
  4. Plan for Quiet if Traveling: If your loved one is still able to travel during the holidays, make sure the places you visit have a quiet area she can retreat to if needed.
  5. Make Meals Simple: This year just serve a few key ingredients and don’t overwhelm your loved one with an overflowing plate.
  6. Be Flexible: The actual holiday may be a great day for your loved one, or it might not. She might be full of joy or sleep most of the day. Remember it is just one day in a lifetime of days and there is always tomorrow.


Get a Little Respite with an Alzheimer’s Home Care Provider

As the caregiver, you still should be able to go and enjoy some of your favorite holiday festivities. Still, you may feel nervous about leaving your elderly loved one with someone who is not trained to manage their condition.

A home care provider who specializes in Alzheimer’s home care can be a great resource during the holiday. They can step in and stay with your loved one while you attend other events or help with home chores so you can focus on the many tasks that come around during the holidays.

With just a little help over the holidays, both you and your elderly loved one will have a more enjoyable season that creates more wonderful memories than stress.




If you or an aging loved one are considering Alzheimer’s Home Care in Columbia, SC, please contact the caring staff at Avodah Home Care. Call (877) 4-AVODAH

Avodah Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Abbeville, Aiken, Anderson, Barnwell, Calhoun County, Chesterfield County, Darlington, Dillon, Edgefield, Batesburg-Leesville, Florence, Greenville, Greenwood, Columbia, Lexington, Camden, Blythewood, Winnsboro, Orangeburg, Sumter, Gaston, Hopkins, Bishopville and surrounding areas.

Katrecia Belgrave
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